Free to Be – Part 1: I Meet Marlo

The late lyricist Bruce Hart and I had written many songs together and were experiencing the satisfaction and excitement of hearing some of them broadcast on major radio stations. Bruce was married to writer-producer Carole Hart and they worked together on many television projects. They were members of the original writing staff for Sesame Street. In 1971 Carole received a call from Scott Shukat, who was the Harts’ agent and mine. Scott told her Marlo Thomas was looking for a producer to work with her on a record for children that would be about gender stereotypes, the joy of having friends, and the importance of feeling and expressing emotions. They met, discussed the idea, and decided to proceed. They determined that the record would contain original songs, sketches, and stories and feature well known performers. They knew they needed a Music Director and Carole suggested me. Marlo and Carole and I got together and I found Marlo to be smart, funny, and very enthusiastic about her idea. She asked me to meet her vocal coach, Colin Romoff, who knew her singing range and had worked with her extensively developing her voice to its full potential. Colin had to approve of me and after our meeting, he did, and so I was onboard.


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