How To Compose Music For Children – Part 1: Introduction

red-riding-hoodThis blog will help beginning songwriters and those more experienced to develop the tools they need to produce satisfying work. You may be composing songs and feel that there is something missing. Pehaps you have an idea for the beginning and then don’t know how to develop it. The techniques and devices found here will help you when inspiration strikes and then strikes out. Over a period of hundreds of years, certain general observations have been made about what makes the most lasting music. These observations led to the development of what we call “music theory.” I know this sounds very academic, something that is taught in music conservatories. Of course it is taught to music students but with a much more in-depth approach. What you can learn here is some basic solutions to everyday problems that work for composers at all skill levels.

How many times have you heard a song online or on television and said “I can do better than that”? Well, the truth is, very often you can. If you write poems or lyrics you may often have a musical idea in your head but don’t know how to take it further. Suppose you have no musical training. Would you be surprised to learn that many succesful songwriters cannot read a note of music. One was Irving Berlin who wrote one hit after another. And there are countless others like him.

Series NavigationHow To Compose Music For Children – Part 2: Lennon, Presley, and Beethoven >>
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